Goals of the school

General objectives

  • acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities
  • developing awareness of the critical acceptance of social and social processes and phenomena
  • encouraging critical and creative thinking
  • rational and creative application of innovations and new ideas applied knowledge
  • applied knowledge
  • freedom of opinion
  • flexibility and adaptability in creating attitudes
  • raising personal responsibility
  • getting acquainted with personal rights and obligations
  • developing awareness for the protection of nature and the environment
  • developing the need for lifelong learning
  • preparedness for change

Areas and realization of the school's priority goals

The private high school “Academy Leontic” in its developmental perspective predicts:

  • trainings for the teaching staff for raising the methodological-didactic preparation of the teachers-beginners in the educational work;
  • opportunities for advancement and preparation of assistants who will be able to take on future Masters lecturers in practical training.

The training will be realized with the involvement of institutes from our fatherland and institutions from abroad in the ongoing trainings that are disappearing or not with us, and the practice will be realized in the training center and the secondary school “Academy” Leontic “, and for the reliability and taking the final exam, each student and candidate, can apply in the PSU.i PCSO. ACADEMY LEONITIC in Skopje, according to the terms that are displayed during the whole school year that are organized for the final exam and professional examination and taking the exam for masters.

Raising the quality of teaching will be a permanent task for the school management by building a system of permanent teacher training and installing a mentoring system.

The cooperation with the social partners, as well as the cooperation with the public schools from the Republic of Macedonia. Macedonia and the European Union will be a challenge for permanent cooperation.

Special goals

  • raising the quality of teaching
  • developing awareness for the professional development of the teaching staff
  • integration of the student into the teaching process as a creative subject
  • active cooperation with parents
  • equip the school with modern teaching tools
  • equip the school with the latest cutting-edge technological advancements for practical work, machines and appliances for practical work and monitoring their application
  • enriching the library fund with professional pedagogical and psychological literature
  • raising the ecological awareness of all structures in the school
  • self-evaluation of the work of the school